Thursday, May 16, 2013

Things you can learn from Genesis part 3

Genesis 2
How crazy is it that God started making stuff and that He created all these things and then He created man. There are some really wild things inside the second chapter of Genesis. One of those aha moments happens in verses 5 and 6. In these two very cool verses we learn that God did not use rain to water the earth. This is critical knowledge when we get to Noah and that whole mess. Here we learn that God had a watering system that was a mist that arose from the ground. Just super cool evidence that God made science without us getting overly worked up about the whole science vs creation thing. Let’s just be clear that God understood the nuances of evaporation and humidification. He was super into hydroponics. It’s pretty clear that He knew how to grow a thing or two.

That’s an interesting side note but nothing so shocking as the description of how He made Adam. Man was formed from dust and then God breathes life into the dust and then wait for it because this is more shocking than fish suddenly walking and alien DNA and monkeys starting to act all people like. The truth is so much more shocking and cool. The dirt stands up and starts being a person. That just freaks me out, makes me think crazy thoughts, makes me laugh and shout in joy. God does crazy stuff and that is how I know He is real. He breathes on dirt and it stands up and starts talking and walking and doing stuff. (Kinda ironic like that the dirt is getting ready to sin in the next chapter)

Crazy thing next: God brings all the stuff He made and shows all the stuff to Adam, the dirt guy. He brings the stuff, all the coolest first things that ever were. These are things that were not at one moment and then were. And He takes the cool stuff over to the dirt guy and actually lets the dirt guy name everything. What are you doing God? The dirt guy gets to name everything that you made. And that is intense because right there we know the absolute truth about our God. He does every single thing. He for real does it all and then lets the dirt guy give names as if the dirt guy had something to do with the creating of stuff.

This God actually looks at Adam, looks at us and says look at all our cool stuff. He is so crazy like that. He not only shares His toys he actually makes them our toys. He actually treats us as if we were involved in the whole toy making process. God says look at what we have done. And He just never stops saying it. “Look at what we did, dirt guy.” All the while knowing that dirt guy is about to get way off track in just one more chapter. I can just picture Him with His arm around the dirt guy. Just smiling as Adam is naming stuff. Just smiling knowing what happens next. God all outside of time, living in the moment, knowing He has a plan for the next moment where the dirt guy acts like a dirt guy. That’s to be expected from a dirt guy, even if God breathed on Him and let Him name all the stuff. Dirt just does what dirt does.